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[Miss Morningstar's Philosophy of Art Education]


Learning How To See

Art instruction is all about seeing, which makes demonstration an essential element of teaching in an art classroom. Demonstrating an art process and using visuals allows students to better remember what is to be done, and how something is created. This allows students to see what is possible, which will perhaps spark interesting art ideas. Showing students how to use materials correctly is also an incredibly important aspect of demonstration.


Peer Groups

Working at group tables allows students to discuss their artwork and ideas with their peers while in the art room. It is important that this skill of constructive criticism is developed so that students learn how to positively talk about and evaluate art. Through aesthetics and critiques, students learn how to look at art and use correct vocabulary to discuss it. This gives students a deeper understanding of what good art is, and also forces students to look at their own work in a more objective way. This helps to raise questions that lead to other in-depth questioning and learning about what art is.


Art History

Art history is essential in the art classroom. It is important to introduce students to artists, both past and present. This can be done by connecting art work the students are creating to specific artists, or simply by showing students their work. Staying up to date with what is happening in the art world helps students appreciate art and understand what is going on in the world around them.


Creating & Exploring Art

Through art production, students are able to touch, use, and experiment with new and interesting materials.  This broadens the art student’s spectrum of what art is and can be.  Experimentation with materials allows students to more fully understand the material’s potential, in which case they can master the skills needed to most effectively create interesting art. Play is incredibly important in art production. By creating lessons that the students can connect with and enjoy, they will be more engaged and create more thoughtful and meaningful projects.



The principle of possibility is essential in the art room as it deters students from setting boundaries for themselves. Art is all about experimentation. Armed with the ideas that anything is possible, and trying something new is accepted, the teacher is able to help guide the students past their set boundaries of what they think they can do, allowing them to discover their true potential. This then develops a student’s problem solving skills by teaching them to extend and expand upon their ideas, which is beneficial in many facets of one’s life.


Self Discovery

Art is more than creating beautiful pictures. It plays an important role in shaping the minds and morals of impressionable students in a positive way by allowing them to discover and experiment. Many times students must reach inside themselves for inspiration which allows them to discover more about their identity and who they are.  

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