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Unit Title:

Tree Project

Grade Level:


Lesson #:



Alignment with Standards: List the Indicators and Objectives targeted for assessment in the unit.

Standard 1.0

Perceiving and Responding: Aesthetic Education: Students will demonstrate the ability to perceive, interpret, and respond to ideas, experiences, and the environment through visual art.

Indicator 1

Identify, describe, and interpret observed form

Objective b

Represent observed physical qualities of people, animals, and objects in the environment using color, line, shape, texture, form, and space



Key Skills and Concepts:

Declarative Knowledge:

List the concepts, facts, and principles to be taught.

  • The process of art making can serve as a community building activity.
  • Many different people come together to participate in a community
  • Appreciation and understanding of others creations can be nurtured through the study of their artworks.

Procedural Knowledge:

List the skills, procedures, and processes to be taught.

  • Wrapping as a form of attachment
  • Giving support for the preferences for art styles or artists’ techniques for expression.
  • Responding positively through discussion about the diversity of others artworks.
  • Reflection is a crucial part of the art making process and can inform the artist’s future decisions.





List vocabulary with definitions to be taught.

Interdependence- two or more things relying on each other

Community- a group of people who have something in common






Resources and Materials:

Artist Exemplars:

Determine artists, eras, and cultures to be included to aid instruction and student learning.

  • Ansel Adams
  • Fiber Collective International

Art Materials:

List art supplies and materials needed for the lesson.







Reference Materials:


List names and types (ex: book, print) of resource to be included.

Fiber Collective International, Interdependence, 2008-2009


Technology Resources:


List equipment/hardware, software, and websites to be included to aid instruction and student learning

Promethean Board




Lesson Activity:


Student Objective:

This objective is for students, and should be written in an age-appropriate reading level.

Today we will talk about how people work together. By the end of today you will finish your leaf.






Introduction/ Motivation:



  • Read Objective
  • What is community?
  • What communities are you a part of?
  • How are you a part of your community?
  • People depend on each other like trees and birds depend on each other.
  • Demo attaching leaf to branch
  • Studio time
  • Clean up
    • Wrap up




Attaching the leaves to a tree branch and wrapping tree branch with fabric


  • Reading is done as a group so that students at different reading levels can benefit.
  • Limiting leaf choices and imagery





Standard 1.0 Perceiving and Responding: Aesthetic Education: Students will demonstrate the ability to perceive, interpret, and respond to ideas, experiences, and the environment through visual art.


Objective 1

Restate the objective selected for the Standard.

Represent observed physical qualities of people, animals, and objects in the environment using color, line, shape, texture, form, and space

Assessment Criteria and Lesson Summary:

Identify the criteria and scoring tool you will use to assess and evaluate student progress/proficiency for the Objective.

Summary: Students will know they are a part of an interdependent community. Students will collage fabric to create a leaf that represents themselves, which will be added to a community tree.


Criteria: Student successfully used a pattern to trace a cut a leaf shape. The student then used geometric shapes to depict a bird.




DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.