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This is a report on an exam I created, proctored, and prepared students for during the fall of 2016.  It presents the exam’s format, use of data to determine student learning, and includes a digital studying resource I utilize to promote and celebrate differentiated learning.


Study Resource


Throughout the school year, I utilized a website called Quizlet to help students learn vocabulary words for exams I create and proctor.  Quizlet creates flash cards, games, and quizzes to help students learn vocabulary words and provides students a variety of methods to hear, see, and read the words in a variety of languages.




Above is an example of the advanced color theory exam Quizlet I created. 




Students playing a study game, where they play in teams and race to get all the questions correct.




Words can be read aloud for English Language Learners and Auditory Learners.




Each word has an image that illustrates its meaning for Visual Learners.



The exam was created and graded using Google Forms.  The exam automatically collects student username, created by the district.  It also shuffles questions and answer options, which requires students to genuinely know and understand each vocabulary word, as opposed to an exam that is distributed with the same question order and answer options, which lends itself to potential cheating and memorization if a pretest is proctored.  Finally, results are analyzed using Google Forms and Flubaroo.



Above is an example of an exam.




Above is an example of how I see the grades.  The above grades illustrate a post assessment for two Art 2 classes.


Pre Exam Average Percentage of Two Art 2 Classes:  43.52%

Post Exam Average Percentage of Two Art 2 Classes:  93.36%

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