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One of my passions is bookmaking. As I explore multiple structures and binding possibilities, it is exciting to share my learning with others. Recently, I've had the pleasure to work in extended-education venues to share the habit of bookmaking with like-minded artists.


It's time to bind books!!! Use the pdf files on the left task bar to help you in creating structures.

Objective: each artist will develop multiple book structures, increasing technical skill and reinforcing good habits with handling fine papers. Each book structure is meant to be a beginning for the individual artist to add their personal artistic creativity over time.

      In emphasizing structures, individual artists add their own personal touch---making adjustments, adding ephemera, inventing and problem solving. 


DUMMIES: the book structure you create to test, plan formats, practice, generate layouts, experiment with sizes, and explore paper qualities.


Books created can be gifts for others to use as sketchbooks, journals, or photo albums...

The artist can record personal history, poetry, and artwork inside...

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.