DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.


Marking & Mapping™ Visual Journal and Portable Studio (PS)

Creatively engage in daily studio work onsite in area museum learning spaces, using the SummerVision Marking & Mapping™ Visual Journal and Portable Studio (PS) art materials (see below).

Visual Journal

The SummerVision Visual Journal uses Dr. Kit Grauer's Visual Journal Assessment Rubric focused on research, reflection, involvement and and implications for practice. Click here:  VisualJournalRubricKitGrauer.pdf


Portable Studio (PS)















The lightweight Portable Studio used for SummerVision DC contains Renee Sandell's selection of high quality, expressive studio materials designed to complement expeditionary museum viewing experience with opportunities for creative expression and critical response at and between museum visits. 

Click here: SummerVision_portable_studio.pdf



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.